
    Export industry: Driving economic activity in Germany and Europe

    Supporting the export economy is one of the core tasks of KfW IPEX-Bank. Whether cruise ships, cement plants, wind turbines or technologies for mobile telephony networks: We are a financing partner for German and European enterprises that want to export their products throughout the world. By offering mid-term and long-term financing solutions we contribute to preserving the competitiveness and advancing the internationalisation of German and European export companies.

    Appreciated the world over: Quality “made in Germany”

    Nearly half of Germany's economic output depends on exports. One in every four jobs is secured by the success of German products and services on world markets.

    Windpark Enercon

    Our clients benefit from our decades of experience

    We support our clients - large and medium-sized companies with a global focus - in their efforts to go international. We devise tailored financing solutions both for our clients and the purchasers of their export goods, which are then implemented even under difficult overall conditions. For decades we have mastered our core business of export and project finance like almost no other institution in our field. For almost 60 years we have built up extensive expertise in sectors that are also key industries for the German and European economy.

    We combine financing expertise with industry know-how

    Whether it is investments in a steel plant in India, a wind farm in Canada or a plastic film production facility in Poland, we not only have a firm grasp of financing issues, but are also very familiar with the target markets and technical issues. Our know-how is used for the benefit of exporting companies and contributes to prosperity in Germany and Europe.

    We market government-driven instruments to promote exports

    As a specialist in export finance we market instruments of the Federal Government to boost exports. These include export credit guarantees, which are processed by Euler Hermes Deutschland AG on behalf of the Federal Government ("Hermes cover"). These protect export transactions against payment defaults for economic or political reasons, enabling German exporters to maintain their business relationships or move into difficult markets even during crises. As a Hermes agent we advise our clients on issues regarding foreign trade promotion and help them prepare applications for corresponding decisions by the Federal Government.

    Furthermore, on behalf of KfW and the Federal Government we manage the ERP Export Financing Programme, in which low-interest loans can be granted to foreign buyers of German export goods under certain conditions. As with export credit guarantees, the transactions supported here are those which are of particular interest to Germany.

    We advise the German Federal Government

    Our know-how is also valued by the German Federal Government and international organisations. For example, experts of KfW IPEX-Bank are represented in the "Hermes expert panel" and the "Interministerial Committee for Export Credit Guarantees" (IMA). The IMA is the federal body that makes decisions on cover policy and assuming export credit guarantees. We also advise the Federal Government in international export financing and insurance forums, for example, in working groups of the European Council and the OECD.

    Our role in promoting foreign trade

    The German government values our in-depth knowledge of the export industry.

    ERP Export Financing Programme

    KfW IPEX-Bank carries out the ERP Export Financing Programme on behalf of the German Federal Government and KfW.


    Our headquarters in Frankfurt, the London Branch and representative offices in the world's most important economic centres.

    Business sectors

    Maritime industries, energy production, basic industries: KfW IPEX-Bank is the leading specialist financier for the German and European export industry.