We have high environmental and climate protection standards – both for ourselves and for our financings. We believe business activities and social responsibility go hand in hand.
We offer our customers various options for sustainable financing, e.g. in accordance with the KfW IPEX-Bank Framework for Sustainable Finance Facilities. Our lending decisions are always based on our Sustainability Guideline. The exclusion list defines which financings are possible, while the Paris-compatible sector guidelines guide our decisions as a bank that stands for transformation.
The impact of our financing with regard to implementing Agenda 2030, which was adopted in Paris in 2015.
KfW IPEX-Bank is setting up an impact management system in addition to the annual publication of its SDG mapping.
Sustainability Report of KfW Group and
KfW IPEX-Bank EU Taxonomy reporting
Lieferkettesorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) and In-house environmental management
Dr Jörg Fischer
Sustainability Officer KfW IPEX-Bank
Michaela Altmann
Managing Director Corporate Strategy, Management and Communication
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